The GIft of music | Cairns
2016 Muddy Soles
This week Som Tomang (FHC), Anne Chellingworth (Catholic Youth Ministry), Daniel Clayton (Young Australian of the Year / Cairns) and I (SACC) managed to come together for our first formal meeting.
At this meeting, we discussed how ‘The Gift of Music’ could continue to develop links with the community and offer our help and support to assist in charities and youth organisations joining forces for the good of our community.
Our meeting was filled with excitement and anticipation about the upcoming ‘Muddy Soles Youth Festival’ -Saturday 26th - Sunday 27th November 2016. This is a weekend for Year 10-12 students and young adults. Featuring music, workshops, keynote presentations, prayer and discussion.
Forming young people in leadership and Catholic social teaching.
FHC will be present and active at the ‘Muddy Soles’ weekend not only to raise awareness of their own charity, but to open another avenue for our aspiring young leaders to help on a practical level by writing letters to the youth in Batase and also making a pledge to share ‘Goodness’ in our community.
FHC are known for the work they do both locally and internationally and this special time to forge new partnerships and friendships with our local youth from North Queensland is a wonderful opportunity for both these wonderful organisations.
Muddy Soles Youth Festival
9:00 am Saturday 26th to 4:00 pm Sunday 27th November 2016
Seville Mercy Conference Centre
35 Bauhinia Ave
Earlville, 4870 QLD
Rosies Cairns!
The Justice Squad at Holy Cross have helped to further promote Rosies in our school community, by collecting bottles of cordial. This is addition to the weekly sandwiches and winter blanket drive already in full swing. The Gift of Music has been another excellent way of promoting musical talent in our schools, but also allows us to demonstrate stewardship in a very practical way, by supporting local people in need.
'Blessing Bags'
In support of St Vincent de Paul through the Gift of Music the Year 8 and 10 students at St Monica's College put together 'Blessing Bag'. These bags, filled with the daily essentials, will go a long way in supporting the emergency relief program at St Vincent de Paul.
Thank you!
To everyone involved in The Gift of Music, thank you from the bottom of my heart for such an awe inspiring series of concerts. From the youngest performer to the most experience senior musician I pass on my sincere thanks and gratitude.
Thanks also to the amazing efforts of the teachers, mentors, parents, helpers and everyone who made an enormous contribution to this whole community event.
We are still counting and tallying the profit that we all made and I will let you know very soon the results of our joint efforts.
Congratulations Cairns!
Thanks to eveyone invovled in last nights concert.
Don't forget - LAST SHOW TONIGHT...... From 5pm there will be some amazing food from Chef Sam and the Cairns RSL Pipes and Drum Band.
Share a great evening with likeminded 'good' people, sharing gifts and talents to help those who need it.
Thanks to eveyone invovled this afternoon.
Don't forget - Two more shows to go...... Wednesday 6pm start - come early to get some amazing food from Chef Sam and listen to the pipers.
Thursday 6pm start - same applies - ge there early to savour the delights and share a great evening with likeminded 'good' people, sharing gifts and talents to help those who need it.
The Gift of Music is on everyone's lips.
Make sure you secure your tickets TODAY!
The Gift of Music is please to announce that
Mr Wayne Rees will be compere for the Finale Concerts.
The Gift of Music is Fast Approaching!
The Gift of Music is fast approaching and is promising to be an outstanding showcase of music and community solidary. We have had a great response from the extended community regarding our concert at the TANKS Arts Centre. In the lead up to this event, we will be doing our very best to keep you informed through our website regarding the concert itself but also any community charity updates that we receive.
Below is a list of groups which are performing at the three Gift of Music concerts. As you can see, this event is made up of children and adults from all backgrounds and we are coming together to focus on our communal ‘goodness’. We are aspiring to create an opportunity whereby we harness this power of music in an effort to make our community an even better place for all.
Wednesday Matinee
24 August 11am – 2pm approx.
Parramatta Torres Strait Island Dance Ensemble
SACC Junior Choir
SACC 6/7 Band
SACC Tuba Consort
Holy Cross Concert Band
SACC Junior Band
SACC Cornet Consort
Parramatta Drum Crew
SACC Jazz Band
Freshwater Christian College Rock Band
Wednesday Evening
24 August 6pm - 9pm approx.
Saints Concert Band (St Monica’s and St Augustine’s)
Cairns String Orchestra
St Monica’s Jazz Band
Saints String Orchestra (St Monica’s and St Augustine’s)
St Mary’s Combined Strings and Choir
St Augustine’s Big Band
St Monica’s Choir
St Monica's Bella Voce
Cairns Brass Youth Band
Thursday Evening
25 August 6pm – 9pm approx.
Far Northern Brass Band
Trinity Bay Music Department
Cairns High Symphony Orchestra
SACC Concert Band
Cairns Choral Society
SACC 8/9 Band
SACC Brass Band
We would like to thank everyone for being a part of this community appeal and sharing your “GIFTS”. Please spread the word within your own commnuity and where you can, encourage people to visit our website.
Here is an update on Music groups that will be performing at THE GIFT OF MUSIC Finale Concert.
What an amazing line up of talent. Check it out!
St Mary’s Catholic School Music Department
St Augustine’s College Music Department
Paramatta State School and Adult Musicians
Holy Cross Primary School Music Department
Far Northern Brass
Trinity Bay High School Music Department
St Monica’s College Music Department
Cairns String Orchestra
St Andrew’s Catholic College Music Department
Cairns Choral Society
Would you like to see your music organisation or school on this list?
Please click the link below.
The Gift of Music is pleased to announce that Cairns Regional Council have awarded us the ‘Art and Cultural In Kind Assistance Grant’ to help cover the costs of putting on such a large scale event.
We would like to take this opportunity to thank our wonderful Council for their support of our community.